"It is the Son of God who is passing by, a madman... madly in love!" -St. Josemaria ,Sixth station

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Prayers Please!

There has been a lot of things happening lately that I think need to be prayed for. So for the sake of charity can you please pray for my intentions? Thank you so much in advance and God Bless!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sign up Today! And Save Lives!

I've come back!

No, No No, I have not disappeared off the face of the earth I just.... well.... kind of.... forgot about blogging. I know, gasp! Truth be told I was stretching myself thin and didn't have the time to blog.

There is allot I could write about , but the focus, I think is lent. We are well into the season and
I' ve had the opportunity to do a few things that helped me advance in my personal life. One of these things that I've taken up is the 40 Days for Life, a pro life coalition that includes a 24 hour vigil in front of an abortion mill, Planned Parent Hood or a Hospital that supports or performs abortions, fasting and a LOT of prayer for the conversion of abortionist and those that support the heinous act , the parents of the unborn child and most importantly the unborn child. If you are looking for a way to offer your self during this lent the 40 Days for Life is a great way of doing it. You can register (highly recommended) or drop by your local Pro Life center ( if you have one) and sign up there. If you are in the Windsor Ontario area come on over to Met Hospital and be the voice for the countless children that have none.

You can follow the link to sign up here : http:www.40daysforlife.com/blog/